Category: General Kingston Upon Hull: A forgotten waystation on the road to North America by Marne Platt

Kingston Upon Hull: A forgotten waystation on the road to North America by Marne Platt

Sunday June 8, 2025

Between 1835 and 1914, approximately 1 in 12 Europeans entering the US passed through the port city of Kingston-Upon-Hull, UK. This phase of their journey has been largely forgotten. Learn what role the city played in the migration of more than 2 million of our ancestors, what traces remain, and where to find more information for your own genealogy project.

Marne Platt grew up in Plainview and now lives in Switzerland. A retired veterinarian and pharmaceutical executive, she recently spent a year in Kingston-Upon-Hull, UK, studying history, and learned about the city's role in Jewish migration from one of the researchers who first publicized it. Marne volunteers as a data transcriber for JewishGen, and is researching the Belinskis of Ekaterinoslav (now Dinipro), Moskowitzes of Minsk, and Plotnitskis from Belarus, and has recently begun looking for Goldbergs and Abramowitzes, possibly from Kiev. Some of them probably passed through Hull.

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