7PM: Why did Your Family Come to America (and What Did They Find When They Got Here?) By Chuck Weinstein

7PM: Why did Your Family Come to America (and What Did They Find When They Got Here?) By Chuck Weinstein

Wednesday November 9, 2022

Chuck will be discussing some of the reasons our ancestors left eastern Europe, the ports they used, and what they found in America upon arrival, focusing on the Great Migration years prior to World War I.

Chuck Weinstein is a Past President of the JGSLI and has been doing family research since 1991. Since 2011, he has served as the Towns Director for the Ukraine Research Division of JewishGen. Most recently, Chuck is the Chair for the IAJGS 2023 Conference in London.

Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkce2grT0uGtewQUL5Yj0df7nTs1TBA8Oa

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