7PM: Surprising Revelations from Members Research and How to Turn Our Stories into a Family Legacy

7PM: Surprising Revelations from Members Research and How to Turn Our Stories into a Family Legacy

Wednesday January 11, 2023

Topic: Surprising Revelations from Members Research and How to Turn Our Stories into a Family Legacy

Speakers: Jeff Austin, Dr Marge Goldin, Dr. Rhoda Miller, and Devorah Wang

Members of JGSLI share revelations from their genealogy research. How a newly found wedding invitation from 1930 revealed a mystery and how the answer connected to a previously unconnected portion of the family tree, which in turn provided a contact to a cousin match. How an unknown DNA match led to a Holocaust survivor and a new appreciation of joining forces with other genealogists. And, how DNA and Documents came together to reveal surprising information. Come to this meeting to learn more about how genealogy can lead to incredible family stories. The second part of the meeting we will show how to turn your personal story into something tangible, such as a movie, book or album.

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Jeff Austin is President of JGSLI. During the day Jeff runs a travel agency. He combined his passion for genealogy with his travel agent background to plan a memorable 3 day trip to Ukraine in 2019 where he visited 5 of his paternal ancestral towns.

Dr. Marge Goldin is an amateur genealogist and has been her family’s historian for many years.

Dr. Rhoda Miller, Ed.D., CG® has been a Certified Genealogist since 1998, specializing in Jewish research and Holocaust studies. She is a Past President of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Long Island (JGSLI), a board member of LitvakSIG,, and serves as Coordinator of the Svencionys District Research Group.

Devorah Wang is Past President of JGSLI, a workshop presenter at the JGSLI Beginner’s Workshop and has presented at IAJGS conferences.

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