Category: General 7PM: Genealogy Research at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research by Hallel Yadin

7PM: Genealogy Research at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research by Hallel Yadin

Wednesday July 19, 2023

The archives and library of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research constitute the world’s largest collection on Eastern European Jewish history. They include a wealth of sources for genealogical research. In this session, we will review the kinds of documents available at YIVO, including pre-war community records, yizkor books, immigration case files, benevolent society records, and more. We will also discuss how to effectively search YIVO’s online catalogs and how to access YIVO’s holdings remotely.

Hallel Yadin is an archivist & special projects manager at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York City. She holds an MLIS from the University of Missouri and a BA in history from Rutgers University.

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