2PM: Grandma said What? Gathering and Verifying Your Family's Oral History by Sara Cochran

2PM: Grandma said What? Gathering and Verifying Your Family's Oral History by Sara Cochran

Sunday October 23, 2022

Sara will define what oral history is and talk about strategies to interview your family; then, go through the methodology of verifying a family story.

Sara is a full-time professional genealogist with over twenty-five years of research experience. Her research has taken her into nearly every State in the USA and Ireland, Italy, Austria, and Britain. She holds a Boston University Genealogical Research Certificate, a Bachelor's Degree in Library Science, and is an alumnus of the ProGen Study Group. She especially enjoys breaking down brick walls for her clients, discovering the stories of black sheep ancestors, and helping individuals preserve their photographic legacy.

Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvdOygqDstH9wwVaayZirBp-kxtfWRzCXO

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