• 1915 – 1956 Manhattan Voter Registers Online
    Ancestry released a collection today with almost 18,000,000 names of Manhattan Voters. These books were stored at the Municipal Archives and digitized over the last two years or so. You can search them at https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/62363/. Before 1957, voters in New York State had to register separately for each election, these registers are the annual registration registers and generally contain the following information: name, age, country of birth, date and place of naturalization, date of registration,… Read more: 1915 – 1956 Manhattan Voter Registers Online
  • New York State Vital Records Access
    JGSLI held a Zoom meeting concerning NYS Vital Records Access at on February 6. New York State recently proposed significant changes as part of the 2025-2026 budget process that would: 1) decrease the number of years of birth, marriage and death records that are available to genealogists (genealogy copies would not be available until 125 years after birth, 100 years after marriage and 75 years after death) 2) raise fees for uncertified genealogy copies from $22 to… Read more: New York State Vital Records Access
  • January 2025 Meeting Summaries
    On January 12th we heard from Avrohom Krauss with Introduction to Landmanshaftn and on January 22nd Jarrett Ross spoke to us about The Future of Genealogy. Videos and handouts are available in our members only area. Introduction to Landmanshaftn with Avrohom Krauss - January 12, 2025 Avrohom discussed the concept of Landsmanshaftn, mutual aid societies for Jewish immigrants from the same European town or region. He explained that these societies were popular in the late… Read more: January 2025 Meeting Summaries
  • Post-1925 Passport Applications
    Post-1925 Passport Applications: How to Request via FOIA from the US State Department Send FOIA request via email to: PPT-Public-FOIARequests@state.gov  If born less than 100 years ago make sure to include proof of death (death certificate, SSDI printout, photograph of gravestone.) Sample Request Pursuant to FOIA, I request any passport applications on file for the individuals listed below. Please include any documents or other materials included with the passport applications. All of the individuals listed… Read more: Post-1925 Passport Applications

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