
Our 2024 Awards

Congratulations to JGSLI founding member, Renee Steinig, for being recognized with the IAJGS Lifetime Achievement Award at the IAJGS Annual Conference in Philadelphia. The award was given for her decades of service to the Jewish genealogy community. Renee has served on the JGSLI board since its founding in 1985.

Our 2021 Awards

JGSLI was again named Member of the Year for 2021 by IAJGS. In addition, JGSLI'S past president and long-time board member, Nolan Altman, received the IAJGS Lifetime Achievement Award. View both acceptance speeches below.

Our 2016 Awards

jgsli-outstandingpublication2016 poster2016 iajgsmemberoftheyear2016

Jewish Community of Long Island


Jewish Community of Long Island was published in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Long Island. You can find the name-index supplement to the book here.

Our Previous Awards


The JGSLI Board continues to change with the times. Throughout our history, certain seats have been added, eliminated or functionally changed. Below is a listing of the Board seats and positions from inception.

President, VP-Programs, VP-Membership, Treasurer, Secretary / Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Members at Large, Members at Large, Communications Director, Editor, Webmaster, Past President

1986-1988: Naomi Feller
1989-1991: Les Goldschmidt
1992-1994: Linda Cantor
1995-1997: Renee Steinig
1998-2000: Jackie Wasserstein
2001-2002: Norm Berman
2003-2005: Sandy Masnick
2006-2007: Chuck Weinstein
2008-2010: Rhoda Miller
2011: Chuck Weinstein
2012-2014: Nolan Altman
2015-2017:Debbie Wang
2018-2021:Bonnie Birns
2022-Current: Jeffrey Austin
Program Chair / Vice President-Programming
1986: Adam Ebbin(Program Chair)
1987-1988: Myron Miller
1989: Naomi Feller
1990-1992: Josh Hilsenrath
1993-1994: Renee Steinig
1995: Allan Mallenbaum
1996-1997: Ellen Gottfried
1998-2007: Rhoda Miller
2008-2010: Diane Berg
2011-2014: Debbie Wang
2015-2020:Randi Zwickel-Patrick
2021: Jeffrey Austin
2022: Caitlin Hollander
2023-Current: Gary Pokrassa
Vice President-Membership
1986: Ron Miller
1987-1988: Les Goldschmidt
1989-1991: Shelley Lantheaume
1992-1994: Steve Goldmintz
1995-1997: Reba Solomon
1998-2000: Gloria Freund
2001-2007: Renee Steinig
2008-2009: Barbara Kruger
2010-2012: Judy Simon
2013: Diane Berg
2014-2017: Bonnie Birns
2018-Current: Fern Gutman
1986-1991: Norm Winiker
1992: Fran Miller
1993: Jules Seif
1994-1996: Art Golnick
1997-1998: Jay Beatus
1998-1999: Ellen Gottfried
2000-2003: Eli Hecht
2004-2011: Nolan Altman
2012-Current: John Lowens
1986-1988: Renee Steinig
1989-1991: Linda Cantor
1992-1984: Naomi Feller
1995-1996: No one
1997: Stew Gottlieb
1998: Roberta Jainchill
1999: Eli Hecht
2000-2002: Cheryl Sofer
2003: Sylvia Gordon
2004-2005: Chuck Weinstein
2006-2010: Joel Weidenbaum
2011: Renee Steinig
2012: Diane Berg
2013: Bonnie Birns
2014: Randi Patrick
2015-2017: Fern Gutman
2018-2020: Marilyn Gotkin
2021-current: Gillian Gail
Corresponding Secretary
1986: Victor Lantheaume
1987-1988: Shelley Lantheaume
1989-1991: Renee Steinig
1992: Shelley Lantheaume
1993-1994: Reba Solomon
1995-1996: Stew Gottlieb
1996-2002: No one
2003-2011: Cheryl Sofer
2012: Merged into Secretary role

Members at Large
1987: Neil Abelson, Ira Goldberg
1988: Neil Abelson, Linda Cantor
1989: Ron Miller, Myron Miller
1990-1991: Steve Goldmintz,
Myron Miller
1992: Ron Miller, Irma Greenbaum
1993: Michelle Berger, Norm Winiker
1994: Stew Gottlieb, Joel Rubin
1995: Steve Goldmintz, Nina Sitron
1996-1997: Allan Mallenbaum,
Nina Sitron
1998: Sid Gelb, Eli Hecht,
Marty Pollack
1999: Burt Masnick, Marty Pollack
2000: Sandy Masnick, Norm Berman
Members at Large (continued)

2001-2002: Marge Fener,
Sandy Masnick
2003: Harriet Weidenbaum, Chuck Weinstein
2004-2006: Harriet Weidenbaum, Eli Hecht
2007-2008: Harriet Weidenbaum, Barbara Kruger
2009: Renee Steinig, Judy Simon
2010: Renee Steinig, Mitch Cohen
2011: Jillian Beroza, Mitch Cohen
2012: Renee Steinig, Mitch Cohen, Chuck Weinstein
2013-2016: Ann Armoza, Mitch Cohen, Chuck Weinstein
2017: Ann Armoza, Marilyn Gotkin, Alex Calzareth, Rhoda Miller, Renee Steinig
2018-2019: Nolan Altman, Ann Armoza, Alex Calzareth, Rhoda Miller, Renee Steinig
2020: Nolan Altman, Ann Armoza, Jeffrey Austin, Alex Calzareth, Barry Goldberg, Rhoda Miller, Renee Steinig, Steven Turner
2021: Nolan Altman, Ann Armoza, Alex Calzareth, Barry Goldberg, Rhoda Miller, Randi Patrick, Renee Steinig, Steven Turner
2022: Nolan Altman, Ann Armoza, Alex Calzareth, Barry Goldberg, Randi Patrick, Sandey Perline, Renee Steinig, Steven Turner, Devorah Wang
2023-2024: Nolan Altman, Ann Armoza, Shari Beck, Alex Calzareth, Barry Goldberg, Randi Patrick, Renee Steinig, Steven Turner, Devorah Wang
2025: Nolan Altman, Ann Armoza, Alex Calzareth, Barry Goldberg, Randi Patrick, Renee Steinig, Steven Turner, Devorah Wang
Communications Director
1986-2011: no one
2012: Jillian Beroza
2013-Current: Renee Steinig
Lineage Editor
1986: Evelyn Rosenn
1987: Ira Goldberg
1988-1992: Renee Steinig
1993-1996: Shelley Lantheaume
1997-1999: Linda Cantor
2000-2008: Burt Masnick
2009-2010: Linda Volin
2011-2012: Barbara Morgenstern
2013-Current: Ann Armoza
1986-2003: No one
2004-2009: Don Guttman
2010-2012: Terryn Barill
2013-2016: Mitch Cohen
2017-Current: Alex Calzareth
Immediate Past President
1986-2006: No one
2007-2008: Sandy Masnick
2009-2010: Chuck Weinstein
2011-2014: Rhoda Miller
2015-2017:Nolan Altman
2018-2021:Debbie Wang
2022-Current: Bonnie Birns